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It's almost the first month since New Year's resolutions.

We set goals, made plans - hands up who persevered and consistently implemented them.



Why do so many people fail to achieve their goals?



First of all: did you set your goal spontaneously, or did you do it using some method?

One of the most popular goal setting methods is SMART method.




According to this method, the goal should be:

Specific – specific, precise -> specify exactly what you want

Measy - measurable, how will you know when you achieve it?

ANDtractive - attractive to you, achieving your goal must fascinate you!

Realistic - realistic, do not promise yourself that "you can do everything". Is this really the case?

Time defined – plan it and determine how much time you give yourself to implement it!

An example of what a goal set in the SMART method sounds like:




"I want to lose weight" is not a goal, just wishful thinking

"I want to lose 10 kilos by September 1, 2023"




  • Specific: Specifically - I want to lose weight -> lose kilograms
  • Measurable: 10 kilos, I will monitor progress based on the scale
  • Attractive: If I become 10 kilos slimmer, I will be able to wear a lot more nice clothes
  • Real: 10 kilos in 7 months is real
  • Set in time: I know exactly when I give myself time to achieve my goal

And now to the point: why do we fail to achieve such beautifully set goals?






Goal and plan.

"A plan is nothing, planning is everything"

If we set a goal, we should carefully plan its implementation.

In our case, plan how the weight loss process will proceed. What will we do:

  • Do we plan physical activity: what kind, maybe a gym, maybe another sport.
  • Do we have a professional diet from a dietician or will someone help us and advise us in this process?
  • How often do I plan physical activities and how often will I monitor my progress?




But it is not everything. In most cases, the plan fails to be implemented because NO WE ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS IN THEIR IMPLEMENTATION AND WE DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO HOW THEY WILL PERFORM . At the first failure, we give up. For example, we suddenly start getting the flu. The illness lasts for almost two weeks. During this time, we do not follow a diet or go to the gym. After the illness, we are exhausted and postpone the implementation of our plan until the next month. And so time passes, and then it is no longer worth starting...




It is very important to think about what negative, surprising and unforeseen things may happen after preparing the plan. Something that will prevent or complicate the implementation of the plan, and HOW WE WILL COPE WITH THIS CHALLENGE. This is something like plan B. Knowing in the back of our heads that various situations may happen, we will not be surprised by them. Moreover, we will know what to do when they happen...




Another possible reason for failure to achieve a goal could be NO MONITORING OF EFFECTS, or too long time intervals, e.g. measuring body weight once a month instead of once a week. By measuring the effects regularly, we are able to react early enough when something goes wrong.



We need to make room for the new ones. Sometimes we plan new activities too enthusiastically, not wondering whether we will find time for them. For example, to go to the gym three times a week from January 1, you need to have this time. If we have enough of it in our calendar, that's fine. If not, YOU HAVE TO GIVE UP SOMETHING TO FIND TIME TO REACH YOUR GOAL.



It happens that way THE SET GOAL IS NOT REALLY OUR GOAL. We assume and plan something that they expect from us, not exactly something that we care about. Example: "I want to lose weight because this is the trend and chubby people are less attractive." The truth is that I feel good about myself. I have clothes, I like to eat, taste new dishes. The love of food and exploring new flavors is more important to me than being slim.



SUBCONSCIOUSLY WE KNOW THAT THE CHANGE RESULTING FROM REACHING THE GOAL WILL HARM US. Again, referring to our SMART goal: when I lose weight, I will have to eat differently. I won't be able to meet friends at fast food places so often anymore - and I love these spontaneous trips!



Do you already know the reason why you don't manage to fulfill your New Year's resolution?



You can always "shoot first, draw the target later"

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