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Motivating employees

Module 1. Introduction to motivation in the work environment. Theories of motivation: Definition of motivation Differences between motivation and commitment Psychological research in the area of motivation Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory Douglas McGregor's theory of X and Y Victor Vroom's expectation theory Stacy's theory of organizational justice…
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Shift management

Module 1. Specificity of change. Why is it needed: Definition of change and its role in today's business Analysis of factors motivating change Organizational diagnosis tools. Developing a plan to introduce change. Module 2. Psychology of change Styles of employees' reactions to changes. Identifying acceptance stages…
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Conflict management

Module 1. Definition of conflict: Definition of conflict and its role in the workplace. Causes of conflicts and their impact on team effectiveness. Functional and dysfunctional conflicts. Identification of types of conflicts in the workplace Module 2. Diagnosis and phases of conflict: Tools and techniques…
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Effective team management and delegation of tasks

Module 1. The role and importance of team management: Definition and key aspects of effective team management. The leader's role in managing the team. Elements of building a strong and motivated team. Principles of cooperation and communication in a team. Techniques for diagnosing the condition of the syndrome. Identifying strengths and areas…

Trade negotiations for professionals

Module 1. Negotiation Process: Negotiation phases: preparation, presentation, negotiation, closing. The role of time in negotiations. Using SWOT analysis to assess your own and your partner's positions in negotiations. Strategy planning based on the analysis results. Module 2. Psychology of Negotiation: Understanding Motivation and Emotions…
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Communication in a diverse and distributed team

Module 1. Introduction to communication in a diverse and distributed team: Definition of diversity and dispersion in teams. The importance of effective communication in this type of teams. An overview of the benefits and challenges of diversity and dispersion. Module 2. Team Diversity: Identifying Different Forms…