-Good morning, I need to do motivation training because my company is failing. Please estimate the training for 3 hours, because we don't have time for more, we have to deal with current matters. And all senior and middle management employees will be there, because they have a problem with this.
-Do you really believe that 3 hours of training on motivation will heal your company?
Conducting training in a company itself does not always guarantee the desired results for several reasons:
Firstly, often after a good diagnosis - sometimes after several conversations - it turns out that the cause of the problem for which the training is planned lies somewhere completely different.
Training alone simply won't do the trick.
The most common causes of irregularities may lie in:
– incorrectly defined company organization, unclear company structure or its absence
– lack of basic procedures, rules of conduct: knowledge of who, what, when, and to whom, or their excess and too many
– lack of designated scope of duties, tasks and responsibilities
– unclear communication regarding the condition of the company, causing rumors and speculations (if you don't know, you'll find out)
– management style: too authoritarian, e.g. a boss who wants to know everything and is the only one who makes decisions, or on the contrary, the so-called lawlessness - that is, everyone does what they think is right
– incorrect communication: communication style, lack of feedback, lack of information exchange, mobbing or unequal treatment
– ineffective actions and decreased motivation and willingness to work
– lack of appropriate competences
– lack of commitment and conviction of employees in what they do (and here may be another enumeration of why this happens….)
Therefore, the ideal solution before deciding to conduct training is to talk to export, a person from the outside who will look at the company's organization from a different perspective.
Modern and effective methods of conducting training they are a compilation of individual work, e.g. in the form of coaching or mentoring, interactive training in the form of a workshop, involving all participants, and individual sessions after the workshops, which aim to check to what extent the participant uses in practice what he learned during the training. If he doesn't use it, why, maybe he doesn't know how to start or implement it. This is what individual sessions are for.